Celebrities Who Have Filed for Bankruptcy
What do Willie Nelson, MC Hammer, and Toni Braxton all have in common? While they have all been successful recording artists during their careers, the similarities don’t end there: all three of these celebrities have filed for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can happen to anyone, no matter how much money he or she has made.
If you are struggling to get out of debt, the best idea is to contact your Milwaukee bankruptcy attorney to find out if Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is right for you. You’ll be in good company—famous singer Dionne Warwick just filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy earlier this year, citing $10 million in debt. Check out this infographic for a look at six celebrities who have found themselves in dire financial straits. Feel free to share with your friends and family. Contact Burr Law Office with your Milwaukee bankruptcy case in your time of need.